Thursday, March 27, 2008


Here's one of those monstrosities painted in roughly. .. I'm just learning to paint, so I'm having a hard time picking colors so bare with me!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Ok.. this is a disturbing one... but I just had to.

Walking to lunch the other day I saw a crow gagging... and I thought how funny it would be to have this happen... again, sorry, I know it's gross, just.. don't watch if you're sensitive :P



Monday, March 24, 2008

Wow. Almost made it a year.

Without posting :)

Seeing as I've started drawing more being on Barbie... the computers aren't as speedy as some, and I've had to release some Barbie energy on paper... so I thought about putting some of my new ones up...

I'm thinking about making one of them into a sculpture... but until I actually start it, I'm not saying anything. I'll hopefully do more of these, and start posting again... And I'm also thinking about painting a few of them... just cuz.

Thanks for checking them out!! And let me know what you think! :D
