Saturday, January 27, 2007


So, last night I was invited to go to a party held by MPC - London's Moving Picture Company. It was nutty. First, the booze was free, and everyone there was loaded. That's not the worst part. they're Brits. They put beer in their cereal. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I was loaded, and everyone else was just drunk. :) I still met alot of really cool people though. MPC works on alot of film stuff. You should check out their reels :) And I got a free MPC pencil.

Today I went to a place called Grouse Mountain, it was pretty cool. I never had a ride in one of these, and I was honestly contemplating about just turning back as soon as i faced it.

Goin' up!

You can kind of see Vancouver down there...

the city

Above the clouds.

Please bird, help me out of here!! Fly me, fly me away!!

I make boobie sculpture for kids!

During the descent, things got a little exciting I suppose :D The ride really lifted you...

And a pack of wolves in a pen... they were nice, but they weren't happy.

That's it for now I guess... thanks for checking out, and take care everyone!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

here's a little something to make coffee lovers smile :D

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Hey! So another weekend, another adventure. I was going to go to the science world exhibit of "Body Worlds 3" which is a show of opened up human bodies, with muscles all showing and all, but it's been sold out every time I've tried to go see it. And now it's over. dang.

But I did manage to go walk around places again, take more pictures.

This one's for Mark. Could someone show him this? :D I walked past it at the supermarket and couldn't resist.

"How much you want for that pair of used brake pads?"
This is what happens if you leave your bike on the streets here. Crazy nuts take EVERYTHING off of it. I've seen about 10 bikes like this around downtown.

And this is Granville Island. I feel it's kind of a farmer's market kind of place. It's the only place I found Pitt pencils. And that's the only reason I went all the way here, but after seeing the place, I think I'm gonna go back more often.

Ok, that's it for now. I found a life drawing place, but I'm way too rusty to start posting things up just yet :D


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Purple and Brown

You guys need to see these... man, so fun!!

check them out!

Whoa! Some thing's wrong here! There's snow in Vancouver! :D

Everything is going pretty good here, here's a few pics of the library downtown... which just blew me away rounding a corner up to it :D it really looks like the Colosseum:)

Still lots to see here... the weather's been horrible and my foot's busted from walking all over town... so when I'm all "heels" up -ha haaaaah ah ha ha ahhhhhhhhh. damn I'm funny, I'll throw more stuff here as I come across it. Maybe drawings too, cuz I can finally think for myself in the first time in forever :D and I'm finding myself drawing more.

k! later!!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

After my first week here, I feel pretty good. aside from the few office perks, my supervising animators are great, and everyone else is fantastic to work with. First day there, I started with another animator from EA, Brian, and after 6 years of fixing motion capture data, he got tired of it all, and went into film. I've been asking everyone soooo many questions already... I just hope they aren't tired of it yet, cuz if I know me, and I might, I think there's alot more questions coming :D

Another thing, I continue to meet amazing people. The head designer/writer is unreal. His drawings are straight out of Tim Burton's style. I think he worked on Nightmare Before Christmas, just to help make the connection. And I met this other guy from California, and he showed me his portfolio, which was all hand painted BG's from Clone wars. I guess he was hired directly by Genndy. Then he went on saying things like.. ." yeah, I called Genndy the other week, said he's just waiting on a green light for his movies... "Man... And I just talked to like, 5 people outside the animation dept! So, it's all been very overwhelming, me being such a geek for this stuff, I'm just loving it. It all seems so surreal.


So this is the studio I work at. I indicated with the track pad some drawn arrows to which floor we're on... and where the balcony to go out for smokes is. :D

And since I can;t take pictures inside, here's a couple of pictures of EA, I can walk to it from where I live... but it's not a walk I'd like to do every day. I thought it was maybe a 20 minute walk, but it ended up being over 45 minutes!

And here's just another couple of pics of downtown stuff. These are condos... man, they look nuts.


funky cars in bc... every 1 in 4 is like this.

Ok, well, this is it until the next update, mr internet is supposed to hook me up later in the week, so maybe i'll start posting more.

take care!!!

stairway to... hell :D

This is an escalator. I thought it was pretty long. What do you think?

and here's a little park that took my by surprise, in the middle of downtown vancouver.